Tech Drop

Screencastify Submit
Nicholas Noel
screencastify submit screen look

Submit is a quick, simple, and secure platform on Screencastify that enables users to empower their students or teams to create and submit video assignments.

With the video assignment submit tool, users can:

  • Assess student understanding asynchronously
  • Have a better understanding of user learning and proficiency levels
  • Allow for a more creative and individualized form of expression
  • Decide on whether the submissions are public or private with a variety of setting configurations
  • Assign a variety of submission options for screen/webcam or both
configuration setting options
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Screencastify is equipped with ready-to-use templates and assignment ideas.

For more information on how to get started with Submit, visit Screencastify.
Users may also find this Training Slideshow helpful for Screencastify setup.
For step-by-step directions on how to setup a Screencastify Submit Video Assignment.

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