Tech Drop

Search by Image with Google Lens
Abigail Pagryzinski

What is Google Lens?

Google Lens allows users to search by an image instead of text. This tool can be used to:

  • Identify text in a photo and read it aloud.
  • Translate text in a photo.
  • Identify an animal or flower in an image and name its species.
  • Find the original source of an image.

How to Use Google Lens

While in Google Chrome, right-click on any image and select Search Image with Google.

Right-click menu on an image with red box around Search image with Google

Google Lens will open in a side panel. Select Search for related links and images, or to find the image source.

Google Lens side bar with a red box around Search


Select Text to find the text in the image and have it read aloud. 

Google Lens side bar with a red box around Text


Select Translate to translate and listen to the text in another language.

Google Lens side bar with red box around translate


Learn more about Google Lens in the blog post below!

Eric Curts Blog Post


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