Welcome to Smoky Row Elementary, Home of the ROCKETS!
At Smoky Row, we aim to provide a school environment that is safe and inclusive. Students participate in a rigorous academic experience in all subject areas. The student day begins with community circle time, which allows students to transition into the classroom; direct instruction in social skills takes place during this time. In addition, students participate in a variety of specials classes throughout each week, which include – art, music, physical education, media, and computers.
Beyond the school day, we provide students with opportunities to serve as leaders on our leadership teams, participate in a variety of school-based clubs, and in enrichment club opportunities in several areas. Our students are encouraged to be involved and connected to SRE! As a school family, we look forward to several student and family events throughout the year. We believe that through outreach opportunities & proactive communication, our families can be connected to SRE as well. This is supported additionally by a thriving relationship with our Parent Teacher Organization.
Go Rockets!
Front Office Staff
Mrs. Jay, Principal
Mrs. Supergan, Assistant Principal
Back Row:
Mrs. Paul, Nurse
Mrs. Elliott, School Social Worker
Mrs. Kopnisky, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Adams, Interventionist Coach
Mrs. Johnson, Instructional Coach
Front Row:
Mrs. Supergan, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jay, Principal
Mrs. Durm, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Price, Administrative Assistant