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Student Schedules

rocket routine

7:15am  Doors Open 
7:33am Breakfast Entry 
7:35am  Walkers and Bus Riders Enter 
7:40am Start Time
10:05am-1:05pm Lunches (see column to the right) 
2:25pm Student Dismissal


All Carmel Clay Schools will have a 40 minute district-wide late start twice a month for the purpose of teacher professional development. Please visit the late start schedule for specific dates.

7:55am  Doors Open 
8:13am Breakfast Entry 
8:15am  Walkers and Bus Riders Enter 
8:20am Start Time
10:05am-1:05pm Lunches (see column to the right) 
2:25pm Student Dismissal

Students who have not reported to their classroom by the tardy bell are considered tardy. Parents must accompany tardy students to the office to check in to school before students report to class. Habitual tardiness has a negative impact on the beginning of the day for your child as well as their classmates. Every effort should be made to assist children in learning the responsibility of reporting to the classroom on time each day. 

Lunch Schedule


Kindergarten  10:05-10:35am
First Grade  10:35-11:05am
Second Grade  11:05-11:35am
Third Grade  11:35am-12:05pm
Fourth Grade  12:05-12:35pm
Fifth Grade



If you choose to join your child for lunch, please refer to the "Cafeteria Information" section of our Student & Family Handbook.

Download Our Lunch Menu