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Attendance @ Woodbrook

All Carmel Clay Schools use School Dismissal Manager to report absences and late arrivals. 

Elementary schools also use School Dismissal to report changes to dismissal. All middle schools and high schools will also use the online system to report appointments during the school day. 

Using School Dismissal Manager is preferred to help manage absences and eliminate large quantities of calls to front desk staff. 

School Dismissal Manager

School Dismissal Manager

Absence, Late Arrival, Early Pickup

Woodbrook Elementary is now using School Dismissal Manager to report absences (both in advance and same-day), late arrivals and appointments. This online tool is preferred to phone calls. 

24-hour Attendance Voice Mail: 317-571-4082

  • Your student will be ABSENT.
  • Your student will be LATE
  • Your student is leaving school EARLY.

To Leave a Message:

  1. Say and spell the student’s last name.
  2. Say the first name.
  3. State the reason for absence, late arrival or early dismissal.
  4. State the pick-up time for early dismissal.

Note: A late phone call is better than no phone call. Call with attendance changes any time of day.